Premanand Ji Maharaj On LGBTQ Questions, Don’t get married…

Raushan Kumar
By Raushan Kumar - Writer
4 Min Read
Premanand Ji Maharaj Over LGBTQ Questions

Premanand Ji Maharaj is one of the known spritual leaders in india. He is known for his calm nature and giving good religious sermons. Many celebrity, cricketers and actors comes to Maharaj ji’s for taking religious education. And they even ask the questions related to their life and the religions. And Premanand Ji Maharaj answers those questions very simply and provide them guidance. For example, most famous cricketer Virat kohli and his family has also visited to Premanand Ji Maharaj to take their blessings and asked their questions on which he needed guidance.

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Recently, One of the Sermon or Parwachan video of Premanand Ji Maharaj has been viral on social media on LGBTQ community. In a Video Premanand Ji giving advice to a man who on same-sex relations and also giving him guidance which he needed. The videos in which Premanand Ji Maharaj has given a education on same-sex relations and LGBT community are getting viral on social media. People are sharing video as much as he can. On social media people also commenting and writing that this type of good answer we can on expect from Premanand Ji Maharaj. And they are also writing that, This is the Beauty of Hindu Dharma.

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Premanand Ji Maharaj On Same Sex Marriage.

In a video, which are getting viral on social media due to related to LGBT community. A man asked Premanand Ji Maharaj that His Mother and Father are asking him to get married. But he didn’t wanted to Marry. He has no felling or attraction towards any women. instead he has these all things towards men. and wanted advice how to trackle the situation.

Premanand Ji Maharaj has given advice to the men on contemporary and sensitive question very sympathetically. Premanand Ji Maharaj respond saying

With folded hands, I pray to my brothers that the inner disposition God has given you should never lead to deceiving any girl in life. Share everything openly with your parents. Don’t get married just to ruin someone’s life by keeping her at home and making her life hell. You feel ashamed to talk to your parents, but don’t you feel ashamed when you ruin someone else’s life? The disposition God has given us, sharing it is not going to tarnish your honor. I also request parents to try to understand the nature of their child, which has been shaped by illusion. You cannot change this nature by scolding or punishing. It would be better if both support each other.

People has praised Premanand Ji Maharaj on social media Over the advice on Same- sex relation. Many Politician, creators and journalist have also praised Maharaj ji advice.

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One the Political Satire Akash Banarjee, who is also known as The DeshBhakt, have also share their views on social media regarding Premanand Ji Maharaj saying

This is not going down well with the fundamentalists – but this is what the essence of Hinduism transmits. A religion that is not bound by narrowness; infact accommodative to change, progressive in thought and empathetic to those in need.Premanand Ji Maharaj delivers a masterclass on the sensitive issue of LGBTQ and how our society sees it.

Political MP Priyanka Chaturvedi has shared their views on social media sites, twitting

So much respect for Maharaj ji. This is our samaveshi hindu dharm not the intolerant version made popular by the self declared gatekeepers of our religion.

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