Suicide Note of Kriti Found After Her Death in Kota. Coaching Centre are Crushing..

By Raushan Kumar - Writer
5 Min Read

Educaton is very important for all the students. It helps the students to make their life great and also help them think crucially. But nowadays, Education become burden for students because of the pressure from parents as well as from the society.

The society and the parents always expect from the students that he have to come first in all the areas. But don’t fell the pain of the students. How they are fighting mentally every day, every hour due to this pressure.

Recently, many students has sucide in the kota, which is also known as education hub of india. One of the students are Kriti, who has give her life because this. After her death a sucide note of kriti found, where she has written, she gave up her life and how she is fighting from mental pressure.

Kriri is good student in education. She always bring 90+ Marks but after that being a good student in education, she has given her life due to mental pressure.

Every Year hundreds of students, give their lives due to the pressure, comes from society and the parents.

Suicide Note of Student Kriti Found After Her Death in Kota

After the death of kriti, a sucide note found in kota. In the sucide note she has written why she has taken this step. In sucide note she has accused mainly coaching centre, how the coaching centre crushing the students, how the students facing the mental pressure, which the coaching centre are giving them. She has also written to Ministry of Human Resources to take necessary action to secure the students from dying. And in the sucide note she also accused her parents.

In the sucide note Kriti, has written that

“I want to tell the Government of India and the Ministry of Human Resources that if they want to prevent any child from dying, they should shut down these coaching institutes as soon as possible.

These coaching centers hollow out the students. There is so much pressure to study that children are crushed under the burden.”

Kirti wrote that she succeeded in pulling many students out of depression and stress in Kota and prevented them from committing suicide, but she couldn’t save herself.

“Many people won’t believe that a girl like me, who scores 90+ marks, could also commit suicide, but I can’t explain how much hatred I have filled in my mind and heart.”

To her mother, she wrote, “You took advantage of my childhood and my being a child, forcing me to like science.
I kept studying science to keep you happy.

I started liking subjects like Quantum Physics and Astrophysics and wanted to do a BSc in them, but I must tell you that I still love English literature and history because they pull me out of my dark times.”

Kirti warns her mother, “Do not repeat such manipulative and coercive behavior with my younger sister, who is in 11th grade.
Let her do what she wants to become and study what she loves, because she will excel in what she loves doing.”

Reading this makes the mind restless, thinking that in this race, we are snatching away our children’s dreams.
Today, we compete with our families, thinking that since someone else’s son or daughter became a doctor, we also need to make ours a doctor.

If someone’s child is in a hostel in Sikar or Kota, we feel the need to send ours there too, no matter what the child’s dreams are.
We are imposing our dreams on them.

Today, our schools (coaching institutes) are not teaching children the importance of family relationships or how to fight failures or problems.

Their minds are filled only with competition against each other, which is becoming poison, devouring their lives.
Those who are weak are committing suicide, and those who are slightly stronger are turning to addiction.

When our children break down due to failures, they don’t know how to cope with them.
Their tender hearts shatter from this failure, leading to the rise in suicides.

I advise the students not to take such steps in your life but contact someone who can guide you properly in such conditions.

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