Islam Was Liberal and Promoted Equality; As a Response, Bhakti Cult Was Started: UPSC Teacher

Raushan Kumar
By Raushan Kumar - Writer
5 Min Read
Islam Was Liberal and Promoted Equality; As a Response, Bhakti Cult Was Started

Recently, a video goes viral on social media platforms where a UPSC teacher claiming that in Hindusim, The ‘bhakti Cult’ was started in response of liberalisation of Islam because Islam was talking about Liberty and other.

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The video are getting viral on social media and people are responsing on the video. The video is from famous IAS coaching institute Vision IAS. Where a female teacher named Smriti Shah teaching her students in a class that about ‘Bhakti Cult’ in and comparing it with Islam that why bhakti Cult was started in Hindusim.

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Bhakti Cult Was Started in response of liberalisation of Islam

In a viral video, a female teacher from UPSC coaching institute vision IAS, teaching her students about Bhakti movement topic. Where Female teacher, Smriti Shah told to the student that bhakti Cult was starting In response of Islam because Islam was liberal and its talk about equality and liberty. Also there was no caste system.

In a Class She Stated

Islam arrived in India in the seventh century. It was very liberal and talked about equality. There was no caste system either. PM Modi gifted a miniature of Cheraman Juma Masjid to the Saudi King, which was the first mosque built in India. Islam had not arrived in India yet, but it had started showing its influence. It was free from any rigidity and casteism. There was a speciality of Islam that talked about complete devotion to one God (Allah). They were talking about the concept of one God.

She further added.

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As Islam said, there was only one God, and he created all, it means everyone was same. Islam talked about the universal brotherhood that attracted people. Those who belonged to the lower class started to convert to Islam to raise their status. That was the time when Hindu civilisation felt threatened. As a result, the Bhakti cult was started. They wanted to tell Hinduism is the same religion as Islam, and there was no difference.

while teaching she also given the example of the gift given by Narendra Modi to the king of Saudi Arabia in 2016, she told that the gift presented by Narendra Modi to king Saudi is a replica of the first mosque built outside the Arabian Peninsula in Kerala.

PM Modi’s presentation of the replica of the first mosque outside the Arabian Peninsula that was built in Kerala to the Saudi King further serves to highlight the syncretic character of the Indian civilisation and its strength.

Getting Criticize on Social Media

After the video getting viral on social media people started criticizing. One of the famous teacher, who teaches to the UPSC students, Shared the video on Twitter having caption.

We had learned that the Bhakti Movement in India started as a reaction to Islam, not as an influence of Islam.

While, A Twitter user named Neeraj Atri Kafi shared this video on their Twitter handle by the challenging the teacher for debate on the topic. He also written that he will give her INR 1 Crore award if she will prove her points.

What is Bhakti Movement and their Origin.

According to the educational app textbooks the Bhakti Movement was a transformative spiritual, social, and literary movement. It was started in 7th Century in Tamil Nadu in South India. The movement sought to establish a direct, personal relationship between the individual and the divine. It also broke down rigid caste and gender barriers. And the Bhakti movement reaches on its peaks during the 17th century.

3 Years Old Video

The video getting viral on social media about Hindusim and the Bhakti movement is 3 years old video. The video has been already came to limelight 3 years ago where the coaching centre Vision IAS has made a statement saying

The discussion in point is only focused on one possible reason for the rise of the Bhakti Cult and that too in a particular time period. What the speaker underscores is the dynamic response of followers of Sanatana dharma and its inherent strength which took the form of Bhakti cult meaning “loving faith in God” and “love for fellow human beings” to meet the egalitarian appeal of Islam, that is the appeal of its caste less theology and social order

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